Saturday, December 4, 2010


It is my favorite month of the whole entire year! This month is filled with so many fun events, the birth of Jesus and my birthday ;) I finally ventured to the mall today to cross a few items off of my Christmas list, it wasn't as crazy as I thought it might be. Call me crazy but I absolutely LOVE going to the mall during the holidays! I only ended up with one gift so I will be venturing out a few more times, I only have 2 more weeks to shop, since we will be leaving for Alaska the week before.

Colin has been a bit of a scrooge. I love decorating for Christmas, but we both decided not to go cut down a tree since we would be out of town for a chunk of this month. When I told my co-worker we weren't getting a tree she kindly brought me a fake one to borrow. I was excited (normally I'm against fake trees but a fake one is better than none). Apparently I was mistaken, Colin thought that by not cutting down a tree we wouldn't be doing any decorating, you're not getting out of it that easily!

So all evening I put up the tree and other decorations while Colin sat on the couch and vocalized how he was not going to help me with anything....that's fine got it up myself, thank you very much.

Despite Colin's scroogeness for Christmas decorating he has the right idea of the season, as I type he is volunteering at our church's cold weather shelter for the homeless and has told me he doesn't want anything for Christmas except money donated to World Vision or other charitable organizations. Wow, I really married a great guy, didn't I?? Although, I really love the commercialized Christmas stuff (tree, deco, shopping, holiday food), helping those in need is really what I should be focusing on! I hope everyone takes some time to think of and serve others this holiday season!