Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I see PINK!

Yep, pink is in our future, we are having a GIRL! I am thrilled :) The ultrasound was amazing! It was the first one we've had and it really makes things real...like there is actually a little child growing in me!! Crazy! People had been asking me if I can feel the baby move and I really wasn't sure. But during the ultrasound she was lying back and kicking her little feet up on my belly and I could feel it, for some reason I just hadn't made the connection. Now I feel her all the time. So fun! On Saturday our church had a clothing swap, so I scooped up some cute little girl outfits. Then yesterday a good friend of mine who has 2 little girls had me come over and raid the girls' closet. So much fun! This little girl is going to be spoiled! I have been feeling pretty good lately, totally done with morning sickness, thank the Lord! But I have been extra tired and it's been hard to continue working out. Well, the hardest part with trying to keep up on running is that I have to use the restroom every 10 minutes, not so fun. I have been taking a prenatal yoga class during the week (I just LOVE being able to do that in the middle of the day, I love my job!). I love this class, the instructor is also a midwife, so we do a lot of poses to prepare for labor and also stretches to relieve the tension from our changing bodies. It has been much needed!