Friday, April 6, 2012

This was my first full week of no morning sickness!!! YAY! I didn't even feel nauseous! But I did have a terrible head cold. Colin was sick last week and I have been deperately trying to not get sick, but my efforts did not work. I had a stuffed up nose, achey ears, dry scratchy throat and a horrible headache, that lasted about 4 days. The worst part is that you can't take much of anything while you are pregnant! I am feeling better now and trying to get back into excercising and eating better. Colin and I are doing a one week free trial at the Nike sports centers....they are SO NICE! And motivating. I'm thinking I will definitely join, it does cost more than our current gym, but it's so convenient and Nike employees are encouraged to work out during the work day!! Tomorrow I am trying out a prenatal yoga class that they offer. Really excited for it. Probably too excited :)

This is my third week at my new job. So far so good, but I am absolutely exhausted by the end of the week! Learning a new job is so tiring!! Maybe that had something to do with getting sick..?

I am getting baby fever!! This last weekend we spent some time with my good friend Molly and her 4 month old Emma, talk about cuteness!! Then on Saturday we went over to visit some good friends from church who just had a little boy named Winston, he's only a week old!! Yes, seeing these babies definitely got me excited! I really haven't been buying anything yet...I am holding off until I find out what the gender is! I have been pinning nursery ideas like crazy on Pinterest though....but I will hold off to buy anything. Our ultrasound to find out the gender is scheduled for April 27th!!

I promise I will post a recent baby bump photo soon. I have been trying to take one every week. Oh boy do I love the unsolicited advice us pregnant ladies get. geez! I'm not too far along and I'm already getting a ton. My favorite has been "Wow, you look really big for only 15 weeks...pretty much as big as so and so who is 7 months along." Um...Ok...thanks. Like what am I suppose to say?? And it always seems to be said as if I should have an explanation... I don't know maybe I'll be the next octomom...we shall see!