Thursday, January 19, 2012

The year is off to a great start! I have been trying to run more using my Nike+. I'm not sure what it is about being able to post my runs on facebook for the world to see but it is SO motivating! I'm hoping to sign up for a few races soon to keep me going.

It has been raining cats and dogs! The last few days we've had threats of a 2012 snow-pocalypse (the weathermen here are SO dramatic :)), but we woke up to maybe a half inch of slush and a downpour. I'm ok with that. I really only like the snow if I don't have to drive in it. Give me 6 feet of snow so I really can't go to work and I'd be fine (as long as its all melted in a few days!)

Colin and I are making a conscious effort to eat better! Pass the fruits and veggies please!! We've made some really fun things. One thing that I think everyone should try are Kale chips! Toss some chopped up Kale with olive oil and garlic salt, bake @450 for about 15 minutes and you've got yourself some really delicious and healthy chips!! Seriously, try it.

We started a new bible study series with our small group last Sunday. I think it's gonna be good! We have a few new people which is always exciting. For the next 12 weeks are doing a series called "Called" from Campus Crusades for Christ. Really looking forward to it.

Anyway, that is all for now.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Wow, talk about blog neglect! I cannot believe it is 2012 and in some ways I can't believe it is only 2012, my job at Nike has me working in future seasons, we are currently working on the Summer 2013 line! It gets me all confused.

December was a great month. 2 weeks after coming home from our Arizona trip we went to Vegas. We had a blast!! I don't think either of us have done so much walking in our lives (except maybe when I lived in Europe)! We had a lot of fun walking through all the different hotels with their different themes. Seeing the fountain at the Bellagio was my favorite! We went with my best friend Michelle and her husband and their good friends Mark and Alex. They all went to the National Finals Rodeo and Colin and I went to see Ka a Cirque de Soliel show. It was awesome. My sister is living in the Vegas area now so we were able to meet up with her and get chauffeured around town a little! It was way fun.

The group

My sister, Tawnya & I

When we got back home it was all about Christmas. We had a pretty low key Christmas, spent a lot of time with the fam and friends that were in town for the holidays. Nike is closed the week between Christmas and New Years so I enjoyed 10 days off! It was great, I don't think I've ever taken time off work that wasn't for a trip or something. It was really nice and relaxing.

I'm looking forward to the new year! I have the same old goals I do every year; exercise more, eat better, read the bible more, serve at the church more, read more, watch TV less, pay off debt, etc.

We already have some fun things to look forward to in 2012, in May we will be making the trip out east to celebrate Colin's cousins wedding!! We are going to make a vacation out of it and hopefully stay for over a week to visit with family and visit a few of my good friends that live in New York! In June Colin and I are in our good friends, Jesus and Natalie's, wedding! We have been in small groups with them at our church for the last couple years, we are so excited and honored to be a part of their special day! By the end of the year (if all goes according to plan) we should be completly debt free!!

Oh and one last 2012 resolution, write my blog posts!