Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life Update!

Claire and I both have caught a seasonal cold. Man is it sad to hear a little baby coughing up pheglm like an old man. The first night she had trouble sleeping and the entire next day she barely napped. But last night, I think from just utter exhaustion, she slept 9.5 hours straight!! And when she woke up I went in and turned her light on and she started smiling at me. CUTEST thing ever!! I'm hoping she keeps up the sleeping through the night, especially for when I go back to work.

I'm getting more and more sad about going back to work in just 4 weeks. That's right I only have 4 more weeks. I was thinking about how lucky I am that I have been able to take off as much work as I have though...some people only get 6 weeks or barely that! I can't even imagine. I have had a few days where I felt very unproductive and antsy to get back to working and interacting with adults...probably a good sign that I am slowly getting ready to go back. Also to prepare, I am going to practice having friends watch Claire while I run a few errands during the day. I also need to practice pumping while I'm away from her. I think once I've done that a few times it will make going back not as stressful. One of our friends from church will be watching her during the day. I can't say how grateful I am to have found someone I know and trust to watch her. I really didn't want to put her in a random daycare!

Breastfeeding problems seem like something of the past now. She's a little feeding champ. I'm always confident that she has gotten enough after a feeding and even if she hasn't I know she'll let me know the next time she's hungry! It's funny how much things change so quickly!

Last weekend Colin and I completed the Jingle Bell 5k run. It was fun. I didn't do too bad for just having had a baby! It definitely motivated me to keep going. So Colin and I signed up for the Portland Rock n'Roll Half marathon in May! This will really force me to run. Our original plan was to do it as a family, Colin pushing Claire in the Jogging stroller and all. But she apparently has to be at least 8 months for it to be safe to jog with her and she'll be just about 8 months for the run, but that won't give us anytime to train with her. So she'll most likely be cheering us on on the sidelines with grandma or grandpa or someone!

Last weekend we also got our tree and put up our Christmas decorations! I just LOVE this time of year. Looking forward to holiday parties and time with good friends and family!

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