Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fun Stuff

I have been kind of blogger-slacker lately. Honestly I have been waiting to blog for after I upload the photos from Colin's last race. But my camera is at home and I usually only have time to blog during lunch while I'm at work. So expect pictures in the near future :)
I have started to seriously train for an upcoming run...yes, I was inspired after Colin ran his 20.3 mile trail run in just over 3 hours!! We decided to do a run in Eugene, there is a 20k, which Colin will be running and a 10k which I will be running! I was super motivated to go run the other day, but it was raining so I decided to do a treadmill run at the gym and I made it a whopping 2 miles....not so good. Last night I ran over 4 miles at the gym and this Friday I am hoping to run outside with a friend and make it 5 miles...we will see :)
I have been indulging in a few guilty pleasures lately...first off, I have finished Twilight and I am 2 chapters away from finishing New Moon. I am really excited to get to the next book because I have not seen the movie, I saw both of the first movies before reading the books, but honestly I wouldn't say it ruined the books, it just gave more details!! Which is fun! Colin thinks I am insane for getting so into these books! haha. I can't tell him that he has to read them to understand because I am sure he won't like them like I do. I think I will read the third book and then take a break to read my next book club book, which is "The Art of Racing in the Rain" it looks so good. It is written from the family dog's perspective and I think they are making a movie out of it, which explains why there was such a huge waiting list at the library....I may just have to buy it.
The second indulgence....I signed for a shoe club. Yes, that is right!! I will be getting a new pair of shoes every month. Well, I ordered my first pair and if I like them and there is no hassel I will continue with it. It's cool though because you fill out a survey of styles that you like and then every month they will send you 5 shoes to choose from based on your survey and you can always opt out of the month if you don't like any of the shoes (or you can tell them if you are looking for something specific that month) or if you don't want to spend the is $40 per pair with free shipping. These are the shoes I picked for April they will be nice to wear to work. I am hoping to at least get a couple of each style, heels, sandals, flats, boots etc.!

And Colin thinks it's cool too. He has gotten some fun toys as well, including an aero helmet for his triathlons, I will post a picture of that soon too!

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