Thursday, March 10, 2011

So I finished “Water for Elephants” and I have to say I REALLY enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out. I am also feeling more ready for the race this weekend! The website said they are at full capacity, 30,000 people will be running in this race. That sounds like craziness to me, but I’m sure it will be fun.

I wanted to share with you all a couple blogs I have been loving lately. The first one is the “Stuff Christians Like” blog written by Jon Acuff. If you are a Christian and haven’t read this, it is a must! He is such a witty writer and blogs about random funny things we as Christians would relate to. Below is a link to a couple of my favorite posts by him:

The Jesus Juke

Asking People to “scoot to the middle” in church

The other blog that I randomly happened upon was the “Cheepskate Cook.” This girl and her husband are on the Dave Ramsey plan with a $35 a week grocery budget but she is all about healthy whole food living. Usually eating healthy and saving money don’t go together, but she has all sorts of frugal tips on buying healthy foods, meal planning, recipes etc. I think I might become obsessed! Check it out for your self:

The Cheapskate Cook

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading Water for Elephants because of your post. :)
