Monday, January 11, 2010

Keeping the resolutions...

Ok, so this last weekend I tried hard to accomplish or at least start some of my goals for the year. I wanted to buy some herbs, try out a new recipe, start the triathlon and running training and do a few things with my church (or people from my church). It started out great, I ran 3.5 miles on Friday after work and then we went to a game night with my women's group from church. Running- check. Hang out with peeps- check. Then came Saturday I ended up shopping all day with my sisters and buying unnecessary things for myself....didn't buy any herbs. Then I really went wrong by eating out for basically breakfast, lunch, and dinner.... so no new recipes. Sunday I got in the organizational mode and bought some containers for the bathroom (again, probably an unnecessary purchase), but I am adding organizing and making the most of our small space to my 2010 goals (just to make myself feel better). We have a VERY tiny apartment, I mean it's tight when we have 2 extra guests (it was quite cozy for Christmas when Colin's parents stayed with us for 10 days!). But I have to continually look at our monthly bill and realize it is SO worth it!

Monday was our designated "No TV Day" we wanted to do this for the purpose of reading more and getting other things done instead of getting sucked in by the tube (and we only have 4 channels anyway, so really we should not be watching nothing every night). But of course Colin comes home and the first thing he does is turn it on! He couldn't even go a couple minutes with out it. haha. but we turned it off, made dinner, went to the gym, and then came home and read. I am trying, for probably the third time, to read through "Piercing the Darkness" I am not sure why it has been so hard for me....I think after I get past a certain point I will really get into it. The whole switching back and forth between demons & angels and humans is a little confusing to me. But I am determined to finish it, because I have heard good things from people who's opinion I trust. Along with the reading more goal, one of my co-workers invited me to be in her book club! So I am excited about that. I think bringing in more structure to my reading will help and having a deadline in which I need to finish the book by will be good!

I think that is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. What book are you reading for the bookclub? You should read the mark of the lion series by Francine Rivers (same auther as Redeeming Love). They are SO good. You will defentiley be able to get through them. They are fiction but based in post bible times. I HIGHLY recommend.
