Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday to all! I am very excited for the forecast for the next week or so, clear, sunny and in the 80's! That's my kind of weather! My goal for today: Go to the gym- run!!! I have been a MAJOR slacker in the exercise department of my life and I need to ramp it up a bit. I'm hoping the sunshine will bring some much needed energy & motivation!

Wedding season has officially begun! Tomorrow we will be celebrating with my Dad's side of the family for my cousin Shannon's wedding! I am so excited for her and her soon-to-be hubby, Nathan!!

I am next on the list to choose the book for my book group! I need suggestions!! One book I've heard is good is, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, it's written from the perspective of an autistic boy who loses his dad on 9/11. Has anyone read it?

1 comment:

  1. I suggest anything by Jodi Picoult. I've most recently read Handle With Care. SO GOOD. In my copy of the book there is also a guide for discussion for book clubs.
