Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wedding season is in full swing. My cousin Shannon got married 2 weekends ago, that same weekend we celebrated my friend Sarah's engagement (Sarah and I have been best friends since 1st grade! So happy for her and her soon-to-be hubby!!), then this last weekend I got to be in a wedding for my friend Molly. Molly and I met while working together at the pool during high school, we have a lot of fun memories of spending our summers together working! Her husband, Blaine and I actually went to Pacific together and then she randomly met him through some friends and found out that he knew me, it's a small world!! She made an incredibly gorgeous bride and Colin and I had a fun time dancing the night away at their wedding!

This last Saturday, Colin was doing some bike training and he got hit by a car! This is exactly why I have not started biking, the cars scare me! He was going pretty fast in the bike lane and going past some cars when one of them did not have their turn signal on and decided to turn right, right when he was passing and they collided. Colin was pretty lucky, he just had a few scrapes and bruises but nothing broken and his bike was fine. The people felt horrible and gave him a ride home, it happened only a couple blocks from our apartment. I was on my way home from working for my dad and I see this car in front of me with the trunk wide open and a bike sticking out that looks like Colin's. So of course I follow them straight into our apartments, I had no idea what to think!!! But things could have been a lot worse and I'm just glad he's OK.

My half marathan training has taken the back burner with all the stuff we've had going on lately, I'm hoping tonight I will change that and get out for a nice run! Also, I have been considering doing a complete overhaul on my diet. I have had a disease called ulcerative colitis since I was 8 and I've been on and off medication since I was diagnosed depending on the state of my condition. I recently had to go back on medication and my mother-in-law sent me a book about a diet for people with digestive diseases such as mine, and my doctor had suggested I make some changes in my diet. I have been reluctant to read it because I HATE going on diets, but I have a completly different reason for going on this diet, it's not to lose weight but to better my overall health. So, I might give it a try, but it is very restrictive. Basically it is eliminating all disacharide and polysaccharide carbohyrdates since these require extra breakdown in the digestive tract. These are found in pastas, breads, rice, starches, anything sweetened with sugar (sucrose), no soy, most all dairy (no lactose). So that's pretty much everything I eat...haha. I can have pretty much all meats (no hotdogs or anything that has been processed), fruits, vegetables, honey, juices that have no added sugar, nuts, almond milk, real butter...and lots of homemade stuff. The book has a whole section of recipes, homemade ketchup, yogurt, breads, muffins, etc. So we will see. I think the hardest thing will be getting Colin on board and the expense....but I feel like it might not be that much more expensive if we are making most of the stuff I eat...and I like to cook and bake, so that's good. No chocolate or my sweet coffee drinks, giving those up will be a challenge!

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